Monday, October 15, 2012

Quality Content Writing: What You Need To Look For by Jashandeep Singh

If you have been an online writer for quite some time and spent your precious moments writing for the web, you must have had those times when you hear disaster gossips and myths about web writing. So how do you feel? Pity? Anxious? Furious? Or Ridiculous? Well, if you are a religious writer, one of these emotions would have hit you real hard somewhere at the creative membrane!

I can see those hands going up!

I belong to the similar bandwagon. However, given the personality system that I have, it’s disappointing to know that perceptions floating around aren’t real as they should be. So all the wrong gossips compelled me to share my melancholy towards the myths prevailing about web content writing.

Let’s clarify things:

Writing is easy – For all those who get a sudden rush of conviction that they can write, they should ponder over the level of creativity and acumen that’s required to map and create a great content. Any form of writing is tough and doesn’t come easy. Clients who meet us with an excuse that they need content writing services simply because they don’t have the time for writing, make me sarcastically grin within. For creative sake, writing is not a brownie. Casually writing for the sake is one thing, and writing to make an impact is another!

Write and relax till readers come – Give me a break! All those in the trade must know that writing a copy and publishing it is not all that matters. Optimizing it is a big deal in itself. A content well written and published minus optimization is like preparing a field where no one came to play. Cohesive optimization and a great writing make a stupendous writer that has the potential to roll in readers as well.

Rewriting is content writing – Many out there have a perception that rewriting an article is precisely content writing, FALSE! It takes a lot of research, analysis and mind structuring to write a superior article.

Content writers are underpaid – Well, I would oppose this hugely. It depends upon how a writer markets his talent and the real calibre as well. If you have the right potential and the right kind of projects, you would be touching pinnacles in no time.

Stuff keywords to rank higher – People who think this way, need real time therapy! A content that is stuffed with keywords is like feeding a belly beyond saturation. In clear words, overstuffing is spamming. Watch out! You will be penalized.

Years of experience matter – Well, I am not willing to go contrary on this, but it’s actually not about the years that count but the substance that a writer produces over and over again. Your quality of work is more appreciated than the time you have spent in the trade. Experience is certainly a trump, but has no relevance when it comes to delivering real fodder. It’s primarily about how eager you are to produce brilliant copies.

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